
By Dotty


A quiet day with Charlie today. Teddy was out in Newcastle with his youth club doing Laser Quest stuff and the big contract is in, bar copy for a trike & a bouncer which haven't been released onto the market yet, so I'm waiting for the technical specs on those.

The enormity of all the 'other stuff' which I've been ignoring and shoving into a desk drawer for the last 6 weeks hit me, so I've been trying to work through that as well as getting a new laptop set up. The laptop set up wouldn't be SO bad (I'm fairly technically ept) if it wasn't for switching back from Apple to Windows, and from Windows 95 to Windows 8 something or other. It's a big shift.

Downloading software was a lot faster once the boys had gone to bed... Bloody Minecraft. Bloody Minecraft - and thank all the angels and the baby Jesus, as I heard a chum say today, for Minecraft.

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