
By DWBham

And here's the coast

Our trail was often inland, but here we had a most beautiful view of the water. But I won't sugar coat it: today we rode about 55 miles (the route said 45 and okay, we did make one wrong turn and have to backtrack 2 miles) and we're beat! Wilson puts it kindly by saying, "Mom is slow and steady." Paul says, "Other bikers could go this many miles a day AND have time to actually stop and see things."

Not us! We rode from 9 a.m. till 6:30 with only the requisite stops for tea and lunch. No castles! We could have spent 9 days on this route and still not seen everything, but possibly a lot more.

We're in Scotland!

(Wilson could have been in this photo, but he was way ahead of us.)

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