
Happy 4th of July (Independence Day here in the States)...

More Explosive!

I made it to my parent's house in the evening... without a blip! Oh the horror!! ;-) Mom came to the rescue with the suggestion that we hop in the car and catch the fireworks. I had never shot an image of fireworks (or much of anything in the dark), so I wasn't particularly convinced that I'd end up with a blip. But here it is, 20 minutes to midnight, and I have something to post. :) I was fairly happy with my first attempt at photographing the fireworks and really had a fun time watching the brilliant display.

Two alternative images here. I had picked the last of the two alternatives originally for my blip, but it was very lackluster on blip... looked fine on flickr... so I left it there and went with another one. Strange, I do so often find that my images look dark and/or different once I post them to blip... :(

Oh well, good night. 4 minutes to spare 'til midnight. :)

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