Henbit dead-nettle

Out all day at a Botanical Society ofr Britain and Ireland field trip at Swinstead Valley. At 7am I was really not enthused about the prospect, as there was continuous heavy rain. But for once the forecast was correct, and it stayed dry for the whole of our trip, with the bonus of some spells of warm sunshine. The company was good, we saw a number of interesting species and we made a lot of useful records. Sadly there was very little chance for photography - this little arable weed was the only photograph I took, but I did love the colours and pattern - much better appreciated in a macro than in real life!

I arrived home about four and had time for a refreshing cup of tea before Pete and I prepared a Mexican feast for Ben and his friends, as they were having an informal gathering to celebrate his forthcoming 18th birthday. The nachos and salsa were particularly popular, but by the end of the night most of the food had gone, except the salad! I just flopped in the evening though later I didn't sleep too well - possibly a bit overtired...

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