Pob's World

By Pobsworld


Nearly every day for a few months now I've spotted this little guy and his partner in crime, merrily walking along my street. They are virtually inseperable, flying to catch each other up if one walks too far ahead. They always appear at the same times every day and they always walk down the middle of the road and never on the pavement, nodding at each other like two wee old ladies out for a Sunday walk.

I don't know of any magicians in the area :o) but am guessing they belong to someone as they're very unafraid of humans and normally come right up to me as I walk by.
I came out with my camera this morning thinking "I know, I'll blip the doves" Sure enough, there they are trotting towards me, side by side as usual. What I wasn't ready for was the fact that despite not being scared of cars, bikes or my scary neighbours, one of them is a little camera shy!
So, here we have one half of the duo (or should that be doo-o!), I'll persevere and hopefully get a better shot of the pair soon.

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