More dancing in the streets

Today was the Norwich Lanes Street Fair - lots of lovely things going on, including me and the uke society doing a 50 minute gig outside a local music shop. It was pissing down when we started but when we sang 'Bring me sunshine' that sorted the weather out for the rest of the day.

Here is the fabulous Karen, lead singer with a band called the Neutrinos. She was doing a joyful twirl showing off her new rain mac which someone had given her. I first met Karen when I sang with the Voice Project.

It was indeed a very arty day, which also included:
- hearing a new work by a poet friend of mine (John William Brown) entitled 'Memorandum of Understanding' about conflict, the effects of it on everyday life, all kinds of other things - and quite, quite chilling but incredibly powerful.

- taking photos of my friend Eloise whilst she drew portraits of people.

- having a discussion with someone else about 'want' and 'need'.

- having a couple of beers with a friend.

Much of the time I was wandering around with just myself to please but that was fine as I kept bumping into people I knew, some of whom I've not seen for a while. Then home to supper cooked by Rol which included some potatoes that he has grown himself. Absolutely delicious!

More photos from today can be seen here.

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