Summer heat

It was a hot one today. When my grandson asked if I could watch him while he rode his bike I tried to persuade him to go for a swim instead but he had his mind set on bike riding. I set up a chair in the shade and he got his helmet on and was off on his way up and down the street. He is only allowed to go as far as I can see him so it’s just a few houses in either direction. It wasn’t long before he pulled back in to the driveway where I was sitting (ready with the camera) to ask for a bottle of water.
By the third pass back to our house he had decided it was too hot to ride his bike and we put everything away and came inside the air-conditioned house. I made him some lunch and we played a game or two. Good thing too, because it got hotter as the day went on. It is almost 8 p.m. as I’m typing this and it is still 90F outside.

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