Going Back in Time

Today is another one of Aunty Nancy's postcards from over a 100 years ago of Christchurch. This one is of ChristChurch Cathedral and as you can see in this shot taken the other week in about the some spot.. it sure has changed a lot along with the shops.

I didn't have time to get out for a shot today as John had to been taken up to the hospital to have a test done and they were not too sure how long it would take. It could be anywhere from two hours to four and he wasn't aloud to drive afterwards. So it was a day of waiting to hear any news. I got the phone call just over two hours later to bring him home again. They had removed a few polyps from his bowel to be tested. He has to go back again in two months time and have the test again to check all is Ok and the removed them all. He seems fine and can't wait to have his dinner!

All about ChristChurch Cathedral.

ChristChurch Cathedral is a deconsecrated Anglican cathedral in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. It was built between 1864 and 1904, in the centre of the city surrounded by Cathedral Square. It was the cathedral seat of the Bishop of Christchurch in the New Zealand tikanga of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

The February 2011 Christchurch earthquake destroyed the spire and part of the tower and severely damaged the structure of the remaining building. It had been damaged by earthquakes in 1881, 1888, 1901, 1922 and 2010.

In late March 2012 work began on demolishing it. On 15 December 2012 demolition was halted, following the issuing of a judgment by the High Court of New Zealand that granted an application for judicial review of the decision to demolish. However, in early December 2013, the Supreme Court rejected a final bid to preserve the cathedral, meaning that the diocese is free to demolish the building and continue with plans for a replacement.

Since 15 August 2013, the cathedral community has been worshipping at the Cardboard Cathedral.

It still is a on going saga of the ChtistChruch Cathedral and here is more information on it.

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