Narrow Neck

Yesterday several UK blippers mentioned a TV program, recently aired on the BBC, called "John Bishop's Australia", which features a number of Blue Mountains locations including THIS one, which is the extreme north east corner of the Megalong Valley, not far from Katoomba. The big ridge occupying the bulk of this image is called Narrow Neck Plateau.

During the program John Bishop learns to abseil down the steep escarpment to the extreme left of this shot. You can glimpse the high rocky platform (called the "Boar's Head") where John stands at the end of the sequence. From here, you can't quite see the exact spot where John first leaps from the ledge (he's a braver man than me) but if you COULD see, it'd be just out of shot to the left.

I thought I'd whip out to Cahill's Lookout for this quick picture, while the light lasted. Later this afternoon the weather is expected to deteriorate. As it was, the wind was gusting pretty unpleasantly and I didn't want to linger.

To see the entire program go HERE.

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