
By Lilyrex



A wise man (Ken Bruce, Radio 2) once said, 'there are dreams...and then there are fantasies....'

Marta and Amy were in their work kitchen, making tiny sugar paste frogs for an engagement cake.

'Remind me again,' said Amy, delicately shaping a minute webbed foot 'why anyone in their right mind would want a cake covered in amphibians?'

'Shhh, I'm listening to Popmaster' said Marta, turning up the volume on the radio. 'The customer said she'd kissed loads of frogs before she met her fiance....so I suggested we make some as decoration.'

'Weird.' said Amy, 'Anyway, did you have a look at Blip?'

'Would you stop talking all over the quiz please - I'll tell you after.' She kneaded a little froggy tummy. 'I got stuck, writing the 'about me' bit. I sound so bloody boring. Nobody will ever read a thing I post and I'll blame you.'

Amy tutted. 'Don't be ridiculous. Tell them that story about the time you went for a Brazilian, and the wax got stuck in...'

'Dire Straits' yelled Marta.

'Excuse me?'

'The answer to question 5. Dire Straits.' She flattened the frog with the palm of her hand. 'I am not telling that story to a bunch of strangers - I'd be banned before I'd begun.'

'Maybe. But you'd certainly attract a bit of interest first of all. Tell you what - stop abusing Mr Toad, get a pen, and we'll write something scintillating for your profile...'

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