Sprout lover

By robharris35

It never rains but it pours

Never a truer word spoken in Hanoi in a heavy shower in the middle of a 16-hour working day.

As I am constantly carping on about on here, life is never dull, which is a mantra that I am repeating a lot to help me see the positives of work being hectic.

As it's nearing project end and as in Asia it's all about showing your partners that you like to treat them, we had to go to an expensive all-you-can-eat buffet which was the most luxurious I've ever seen. I kept going to get more ice cream and finding oysters in shells at my place when I got back.

Managed to get away with just one shot of vodka. Luckily I've met the project partners enough times now so that if I don't get completely shitfaced I am still judged an adequate project manager.

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