CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Water freeze

A third consecutive day of sunny, warm weather - what is the world coming to?
I have been left to my own devices since my wife has taken my grandchildren down to visit my daughter, Linda59, in Edinburgh for a couple of days, leaving me carless. Shame, I know.

I decided to do a little experimenting with my camera, using the completely Manual setting. A fast shutter speed, a high ISO and hey presto, the water from the tap is caught as if it were frozen. It is very difficult to get a really good focus though. I must admit, it took a lot of experimenting with different settings but that is what it is all about! I will have a better idea next time I am near a waterfall.

I hope you are enjoying some summer weather or bearable weather if you are wrong side up.

Have a great weekend.

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