Horatio's Sports Day

Today we got up early and went over to Jeri's for Horatio's school sports day and summer fair. The school he goes to is a typically lovely little village school. All the staff are friendly, and the bigger kids happily helped the little ones. They even have their own chickens!

After the races and events (This shot shows the last race of the day, and Horatio is the tallest boy with the shock of dark hair!) we had a picnic/BBQ lunch. I had a burger from the BBQ, which was supplied by the village butcher and probably the most delicious burger I have ever tasted!

I did manage to do a rather stupid thing, which provoked a major schemozzle! Whilst clearing rubbish to the bin after lunch I managed to also throw in my mobile phone. I just thought I'd mislaid it, and when I'd exhausted all the more sensible options of where I may have left it I got Brian to ring it while I stood next to the bin, just in case...Fortunately he also managed to retrieve it, or I'd have had to wait until the Caretaker arrived to unlock the bin!

We visited my parents on the way home - good to see them and little doggie Bubbles again!

Then tonight, to round off a busy day, Jeri is coming here so we can go to the cinema to see Mrs Brown the Movie! An early birthday treat for me!

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