It's been a funny old day ........

Busy day today catching up on all the good intentions from a couple of weeks ago. Today is the feast day of Benedict of Nursia, born 480, Died 543. He did amazing stuff. Benedict is the patron saint ....... wait for it ........... against poison and witchcraft and for agricultural workers, cavers, civil engineers, coppersmiths, dying people, Europe, farmers, fever, gall stones, inflammatory diseases, kidney disease, monks, nettle rash, people in religious orders ............... and school children (yipeeeeeee, I'm glad someone is looking out for them!)

He compiled the Rule of St Benedict, a rule of life. Whilst some is culturally bound, much of his writings are timeless. My wife works for TLI, an organisation preparing & training people for senior leadership in the church. I help out now and again with communications and much of what TLI do looks back to wisdom of old, and of Benedict in particular. This blip is a guide for senior leadership based on the Rule of Benedict.

Today is also the feast of finishing the working week, kicking back & relaxing, opening a bottle of red & celebrating with posh people at a wedding tomorrow.

Happy weekend folks.

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