Lid fingers

make life difficult for a little girl!

Had a busy day doing jobs:

5.30 Agnes was up, I ignored her a bit but no joy, so wheat bix and toast it was.

9:00 after lots of playing she woke daddy up

9:30 off through the tunnel to lyttleton market. Fruit, veg and pies purchased it was time for home.

11:00 Agnes was sound asleep in the car so jobs were done

12:00 she was awake so we had the pie for lunch then it was time to go to Freedom, Bunnings, the farm and the supermarket.

16:30 while daddy went to the old house to empty the fridge, freezer and bring back the Hoover, I had the job of cooking the furry while Agnes unpacked the shopping. (I think my tea bags are in the bathroom drawer but she was happy)

18:00 bath then drawing which was Agnes wanted lid fingers!

She is in bed now, hopefully fast asleep, so Chris and I have resumed our play station and knitting positions.

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