I'm Much Bigger Than The Dinosaur!

We headed into the city today for lunch and a look around. Amazingly thousands of other people seemed to have the same idea! :) We forgot its the school holidays at the moment and there are quite a few new and amazing things for kids to do.

There is an ice skating rink in the Cultural Centre, and it was hilarious to watch people in there because most of them didnt have a clue how to do it! It was actually quite warm this afternoon and the ice was melting pretty fast so if you fell over you ended up very wet!!

There was also a dinosaur exhibition on at the Musuem and they had a lot of huge blow up dinosaurs around the place, you can see one in the background here.

These seagulls were hovering around a family who were trying to eat their lunch and werent into sharing at all! The seagulls were really persistant and I took a lot of photos of them but this one stood out! :)

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