Rabbit Eye View

Up early (which after a few beers and some interesting food combinations last night) was a little annoying. A plasterer turned up at 8 am to plaster the new bathroom, we may not have a toilet but we do have some nice plasterwork. As the children did so well at school last week we let them let us take them to McDonalds for lunch ;) Home via Matt's for bread and started work on the garden.
Poppy is having a Hawaiian themed birthday party next week and then of course it is Hendstock so we had work to do. Down the side of our house is an area we call 'trailer trash'. It is where we have the log piles, the spare tyres (yep) tractor, flood defences, weed collection. I've been meaning to sort if for months but always find an excuse to avoid it. Anyway as we've been given a large pool we thought we'd better sort it.
So we did. The land is clear, the tyres have been repurposed as pool support things, the pool is filling and the weeds have gone.
I went wandering with a macro lens looking for an insect. This is a large insect known locally as a rabbit. You can call him Button. I like the mono and colour thing.

Right I have a curry to order.

Hope your weekend is good.



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