Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

100 Happy Days: #98

Can't find my peanuts.

That was the battle cry of the Olympus Manufacturing team in this years inter-divisional competition.

This years tournament involved Rock claiming, Human Table Football, Bungee Basketball, and ball levitation...

We lost the football 8-6

We lost the basketball 31-17

We actually won the ball levitation

But our best and worst moments came in the rock climbing. We had 2 climbers on the team, so we're feeling confident. And sure enough the guys scuttled up the wall like they were being chased by gladiators. The down side of it, was that while they were vertically whooping the competition, the rest of us had a giant puzzle to solve.

Make a triangle out of a bunch of shapes.

As a team of engineers, we thought we had it in the bag. We didn't. We spent 15 minutes moving giant foam pieces around, making every other conceivable shape known to man other than a triangle.


Once the dust settled, we were awarded a hard fought 7th!


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