A Promise of Things to Come . . . . .

What a sunrise! It was like being in the middle of a magic light show. It was all around us, up at the Poolburn this morning. We all drove out from the Wedderburn Cottages when it was still dark and the beginning of dawn was just happening when we arrived up at the dam. I thought for a moment that the colour was disappearing, but it was just cranking up to one of the most vivid sunrise displays I've ever seen. We were all raving about it afterwards :)

More colour!

As I'm writing this, later in the afternoon, there's snow down low on the hills around Wedderburn. There just might be snowy images tomorrow . . . . . here's hoping.

Thanks so much for sending yesterday's A Wee Hut Under the Hawkduns into the Spotlight! I was really chuffed about that. What a wonderful area for photography!

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