Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


So, yes we’re back, after 2 months away and I have a few entries to catch up on …

Work today, and lots of catching up. Hmmm, holidays are pretty nice!

And weirdly, healthy it appears. After 2 months of wine, cheese, salami, croissant and pizza, daily, I have actually lost weight. Impossible as that seems …

But the photo. My thumb. Fell off my bike in Italy and landed rather hard on my hand and thumb. A week later it’s still swollen and bruised, so off to the doctor, who then sent me to hospital. Xrays and the like.

After some deliberation, the doc decided the ligament “probably” wasn’t torn, and considered a splint vs plaster. Splint. Yes! And a follow-up in 10 days.

Over the next few days I’ll complete the travel record and a summary of all that went on.

Or else, I might just go on holiday again ;-)

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