
By TynvdB

Summer Heat at Southeast Cabin

Since we walked our Southeast Riverside tour this afternoon, a fresh breeze came up. The cloudy summerheat that hang over the valley cooled down a bit. And now as the evening red in the West is fainting, it feels good again to write “bare foot” at the balcony table. Why always mention this barefoot-fact, which is obviously without interest? You might want to understand what makes me lose myself into irrelevant details, instead of guiding us through those walking experience. That’s part of the Photo-Journal. Not whether I might be partially undressed while doing this writing-thing…

But no, let me tell you this: it’s not about having tired feet from walking. I like writing with my feet.
Maybe for some of you, living in cities, this sounds absurd. But I mean, that as soon as the weather allows me to walk around without shoes or slippers, I also prefer to do my writing exercise with my feet in grounded contact with the floor or the soil or sand. It keeps my heart&mind feel free to dance around. And move into writing from there. I don’t do this as a matter of principle. Only if the occasional situation allows me. And I know for sure from experience that this kind of “grounded” contact improves my awareness in breathing and opening my heart&mind for spontaneous creative impulses.

To explore your own possibilities in creative writing will certainly be stimulated into unexpected dimensions, if you combine it with mindful breathing exercise, while bare foot. Don’t Think, but Look&Listen all around you, breathe in and out in a relaxed way, tune in on your barefoot grounded contact, and concentrate on the deepest music, stream you find in heart&mind.

There you can find your own most authentic sources of experience, like I do now. And like I did this afternoon, while walking the Southeast riverside where the Fishers Cabin gives this marvellous View on the Green/Brown Weser waters. Here is the magical turning point: you see the bending where the river turns in from the South. You hear the jolly splashing of a hillside brook coming down and joining the big stream: Ah!

Willemien finds her Damselflies in the reed. I crave to stay for hours and sketch and write Here until Dark. Here that Horsefly will stick persistently on your hand and suck your blood, unless you strike first, or more gentle swipe off. This total experience of awe under the shadow of the Old Oaktree, I call: My Green Southeast River Window. It is an Atopian Place that gathers unspeakable invisibilities for you to receive with that primordial openness of a childs eye that discovers an unknown world. To Be there participating from grounded contact is a complete fulfilling with concrete wonder. We all try to find our photo from such a creative experience.

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