Beetles continued....

It has been very warm today, and very busy at work, even though we only have 6 more working days to go!
My second daughter Juliet was 31 today, and if I remember correctly it was even warmer the day she was born, not helped by the fact I was in labour in the heat of the day between noon and 2,34 pm. Happy Birthday JubyXX
After work I went for a quick look around Marlpost woods, and I was sad to see a real lack of Silver washed fritillaries and White Admirals, usually really plentiful there.
I did find huge amounts of Peacocks, and a beautiful pale comma but my pick of the day is another lovely Longhorn beetle Leptura quadrifasciata, very similar to the really common Rutpela maculata but with all black legs and antennae.
According to the net it is Notable B, being widely distributed but very local.

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