Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Please Don't Wake Me - I'm Only Sleeping

It was sultry today at Kinghorn Loch. Just the weather to induce a sense of non-urgency, even sleep, in those still out and about on the water.

There is a patch of water weeds not far from the hide (which I haven't visited for about 4 weeks). It looks as if something has had an attempt at nest-building as there is now a collection of floating plant stems, probably accumulated by a G-C Grebe, but rather late in the season.

Within the weeds were three sleeping birds that I didn't spot at first. Two were Great-Crested Grebe chicks, now almost as large as their parents, who occasionally raised a head briefly to smooth an odd feather or eject an odd parasite before settling back down to sleep. An hour and a half later the situation was just the same and their parents were still nowhere to be seen.
The third slumberer was a Little Grebe (or dabchick) Tachybaptus ruficollis, who did eventually wake up, allow me a few frames of alertness before diving out of sight.
The awake version can be seen here:

Near the car park, the young pied wagtails were looking a lot perkier and happy in the sunshine. Obviously none the worse for their drenching yesterday.

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