Newcastle life

By Puffling

Northern Goldsmiths building

On annual leave this week as moving house tomorrow. Was supposed to be packing but it was really warm so headed into Newcastle city centre with my camera looking for something new to blip!
I've always found this building, Northern Goldsmiths building very striking with the elegant gold clock, It's especially pretty at Christmas time when it's covered in fairy lights. It is a grade II listed building, built in 1910, with the clock added in 1932. The shop front underwent some remodelling in 1960.

After taking photgraphs in town, I went to the hospital to visit my grandpa who was having surgery. He seemed to be doing well. Strange to be in the relative rather than doctor role.
Finally returned home to pack. Moving day tomorrow. Filled with dread as can't get into my new house yet so most of my belongings are going into storage and I will have to live out of 2 suitcases until I can move in.

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