Sewing box

Grace earned two more badges at Beavers last night. Time to get the sewing box out. This box was a gift from my grandma when I was about six or seven years old. She brought it back from a bus trip she had been on - I can't remember where she'd visited. Perhaps my sister will remember; I will have to ask. However, I do remember her animatedly telling us all about the bus journey itself, up and down hills. I also remember being met as usual from the school bus the next day. Grandma lived at the bottom of our hill and the bus stop was right by her house. Mam and Dad were upset. We had to sit in the land rover whilst they went in and out of the house and then my sister told me grandma had died. I've still got the sewing box decades later, and though I am not a very crafty person ( to say the least) it still gets used from time to time. It also contains a needle case which was embroidered by my other granny, who died in 1999.

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