Behind you!! Run!

Haircut, kids, walk, storm, food, chat.

The plan was to take my charges out to Jupiter Artland, not remembering it was closed on a Wednesday. So, instead, we drove to Ratho, parked up and went for a walk along the canal.
We ended up at the EICC, had a drink and watched the climbers for a while before heading back along the towpath towards the car.

It was a gorgeous, hot day. Then when we were about 5 minutes away from the car, I turned round to say something to JL and noticed the sky. Black clouds. Getting closer.

We made it to the car with minutes to spare before the storm started. It was crazy. Rain, hail, gales, branches flying into the road, flash flooding.
The girls were hysterical in the back of the car - screaming every time we went through another huge puddle!

By the time we got back to Marchmont it had all but stopped. All very dramatic.

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