
By stujphoto


I had a new camera arrive today, the full frame Canon EOS 6D but as I have yet had time to put it through its paces I thought I’d better present a very simple image tonight, just a picture of some reeds in Seafield Pond. I suppose it was the isolated reed that is curving over the water and its reflection, that caught my attention.

For the techy minded, I had decided to upgrade my Canon 5D Mark i, full frame camera and had long lusted after the 5D Mark iii. However, as I mainly use my full frame SLR for travel, interiors and landscape work I began to wonder whether I really needed the very sophisticated autofocus potential of the mark iii. Apart from the price differential the Canon EOS 6D had a number of attractive features :- excellent noise free images up to 6400 ISO; an ability to autofocus to -3 EV and WiFi. These features have all yet to be tested by me so I will report back in due course. I did manage to set up the WiFi connection with my IPad though it was a bit of a faddle. My 5D Mark i will not be pensioned off as I intend to have it converted for IR work. I tend to use my Canon 7D for action photography and it's range of autofocus functions ares plenty adequate for my needs and it has the added bonus of the 1.6 X effective lens length so is ideal for wildlife photography.

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