
I have yet to bring one of the quarter-sized slabs home in order to weigh it but a rough estimation yields an overall mass of around seven hundred kilogrammes for this lot. Fortunately the sack barrows used to drag them from their source backyard were a lot sturdier than this cheap thing, but the sack barrows, the van they came in and the man driving the van had to rush off to another appointment after depositing them as close to the allotment as vehicles can reach, so it was another two and a half hours before the poor wee thing squeaked the last load down the path to the plot, after two short breaks to re-fit the wheel after finding the wheel-retention pin. Hopefully it'll be the last time for a wee while that such extremities of lugging are required, though the three re-formed piles at the plot will eventually need arranging, though the target area and path-routes will need a bit of weeding first.

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