Orb Weaver

Tom has been complaining for days that everytime he walks into the garage he's walking into cobwebs! He's knocked the webs down several times, but never saw the spider until today! So he called me to come & look-- I really, really, REALLY do NOT like spiders--stems from when I was small & my 4 brothers would pull the legs off the daddy long leg spiders & throw the bodies at me!!! Gave me nightmares!! But I went, & it was so huge that I went & got the camera to get a picture! I told Tom that if he knocked it off onto me I'd never speak to him again, but he just laughed & said he'd protect me from the big bad spider! I cropped it just a bit, as I wasn't getting any closer than I had to!!
Hope I don't have nightmares tonight!! Haha! :)

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