The second half of life..

By twigs


...or waxeye, take your pick.

These wee birds are around in great numbers just now. I guess it's the middle of winter and food is relatively scarse so they congregate where the supplies are a bit more abundant. There always seems to be a few around my garden, nibbling away on berries and - I imagine - a few bugs too.

Apart from a tootle round the garden, not much happening here. It has been a sublime day. I sat for a while in the garden and soaked up the warmth in a few sun rays and as someone down the road cranked up the lawnmower it was quite possible to drift into spring......the warmth, the sounds, and some of the smells too (check out the pic for some fresh wee buds). We're over the worst of winter now I believe, (though that's not to say we won't get some more piercingly cold days).

So, my pretty little waxeye, hang in there - abundance is on it's way :)

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