
Last night the lurgi threatened. I counterattacked with a dose of zinc tablets, some echinacea and a bit of paracetamol for the raw throat. By this morning I was capable of going to work, which was fortunately not overly busy. Felt okay all day. But, in my older self, I have had the sense to not insist on a run today. More zinc and paracetamol this evening.

I had organised to see a patient at the rooms after finishing at the hospital. As I left to go home, I was greeted with this sight.

Questions occur to me. Was it a shirt on the hanger? Or trousers? Did the person who left this here get changed here? Obviously a tidy person as it is neatly placed (I did not touch it, I promise). Perhaps it was shirt and trousers. Or a cardigan. Probably not an overcoat.

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