A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


It's called Russian Mix, containing alfalfa, broccoli, radish and some other seeds that I can't remember at the moment. I started them day before yesterday and they have barely started to sprout but under the 'eye of the tube' they appear quite large. They are tiny and this is viewing them through the glass sprouting jar. The sprouts appear wet because they've just been rinsed. Dimples in the glass are visible as well.

Instructions: Place two tablespoonfuls of sprouting seeds in large jar. Soak for a few hours in water. Rinse and drain. Continue rinsing and draining twice a day for four days. Leave jar in relatively dark place until day four, then place in sunny window. Eat. (Sprouting jars come with a special top that has a screen built in for rinsing and air circulation.)

Big is best.

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