Winter and Maude

I have often wondered about the name of this mountain. The Boss tells me that Maude was a popular name for ladies long before he was an unthought-of pup. Woof…That’s a seriously long time ago….Anyway I guess you can see the long skirt here if you look hard….Sorta? So I wonder how it got to be named and can just see a bloke and a bird called Maude involved in this drama somewhere. Even Mrs Google fudged on this question and resorted to sites about wine and there is indeed a Mt Maude Winery so maybe that makes the mix about a Bloke, a bird and booze. Many wonderful stories start this way.
Right then. With The Boss feeling distinctly more Bossy we hit my favourite Blat Trak later in the day as the Plumber had plumbed and now all is well with The Bossess favourite thing, tho The Boss does not intend to test it properly ‘Cos he is a bloke and does not have the required passwords and was frightened by machinery as a pup too.
It was a super Blat and The Boss even had to undo his jacket a bit to avoid over heating. I just jumped in the lake to cool my paws. This doesn’t seem to work for The Boss.

Paw Script…..Dear Boss…..Your Treat Baggie Thingie needs topping up!
Check the skirts?

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