
By LadyFindhorn

A Certain Ambiguity

Over the last 12 years, I have adapted from being the proverbial old lady who lived in a shoe, to the lady with the empty nest syndrome. I do have a husband, his Lordship, who being retired is happiest in his own space with the odd sortie up the hills with his "Last of the Summer Wine" friends. And so I am getting used to a more solitary lifestyle and on days like today, it felt good to ramble through the Hermitage of Braid and Blackford Hill alone but with my camera. I had hoped to find an interesting blip but was disappointed that snowless and leafless, there was nothing that caught my eye. However I have to say that I have never seen the Braid Burn with such a torrent of water. Come the summer I've no doubt it will be back to its usual trickle. But today it looked more like a fast flowing river than a burn.

After lunch I took myself off to town to buy a 4GB SD card for my camera so that I can record and keep the several hundred Egyptian sand dune photos that I'm sure to take and keep just to bore the family with when I return.
And lo and behold there was my blip staring me in the face. It is a bit ambiguous and not the sort of thing a Grange Lady should have to see at her bus stop, far less blip it , but it amused me because I had to read it twice to get what I suppose was the correct translation.

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