Ruminations of a two-bag woman

My stolen handbag/purse was recovered today. A neighbour's gardener found it in a corner of her garden.
For the past two weeks it had been lying in the corner, just across a 6 foot fence from where our properties meet ... It is about 4 metres from the corner of our house ... from where I daily sit and blip, correspond and do office duties.

The thief graciously left R30.50 small change and ALL of my banking cards, passport, ID document, driver's license, library cards, cheques books, lipsticks and a notebook that tells of all the grocery purchases and a thousand other things. Even PINS, if he was clever enough. Fortunately, no such luck for him.

The fact that the purse was discarded, tells that he was interested in the cash. It is not always easy to hide such a bulky item successfully, so it gets thrown away or hidden beneath a shrub after the insides had been raped. Yes, RAPED!

All of these documents are in the process of replacement, so even if I am glad to have my stuff back, it is of no further use.

My leather purse looks none the worse for wear, except for a bit of dampness. I have cleaned it thoroughly and as soon as it is dry, I will polish and buff it with much love.

Since I am now the fortunate position to own two handbags/purses, I guess i may now be called a two-bag-woman.


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