Evening Sky

I'm thankful that I blip every day because it provides me a way to de-stress. I sat outside by the pool and watched the clouds for a bit tonight, in between and during my 30" exposures.

I took another practice test today.. one that is indicative of how I will do on the real MCAT. So.. based on those results (and of the results from yesterday), I'm not ready. I need to be able to review and go over the subjects that I am continually missing.
So I'm trying to remember that this is a good thing - that I do have the luxury right now to put it off until March. And who knows.. maybe I'll get some positive news come Monday. The class I took in Austin was amazingly good. I highly recommend the Princeton Review over Kaplan any day. There's just a lot of information to absorb and digest and go through. And I need to step back and take care of it.

I have been asking myself impossible questions lately. So a reminder to future Liz when I look back on past blips: LOOK AHEAD. STOP LOOKING BACK. I've made the right decisions to get me where I am. I am headed in the right direction. It's hard because it's worth it. Absolutely no regrets.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. [Jeremiah 29.11]

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