Repetition Repeat

Me: " Maddy, I have no photo for today, can you please go do something cute?"
Maddy: "ok Aunty Merril." (pause) "How's this?"
Me: "Thank you Maddy, that'll do nicely."

For the record - An unbelievably stressful day when I learned, via an email from colleague friend, that Barclays International Bank will no longer accept international customers who live in Turkey and that as from early August, all such accounts will be frozen. I then spent more than an hour trying to speak to someone, anyone, from Barclays who could tell me why I hadn't received any official notification about this and well, a general rant as one more thing is added to my 'in basket'. I have two weeks to find another bank. And the weather today was crap as well with grey skies, thunder and intermittent rain.

It was late afternoon before I got to the hospice - Inga was there all afternoon as I knew she would be. She comes all the way from North London by bus and by train and by bus again to be with my Dad. After she left I sat with Dad for a couple of hours - who was completely 'back to normal' after 2 or 3 days of drowsiness - but although we talked about different things, his spirits were low. It actually cheered him up a little when I said I was meeting my brother et al in the pub for dinner and he finally pushed me to leave him at 7.30. He likes knowing that life goes on.

So, dinner at the Fox and Raven (second time in three days - we are very good customers!) - which is where I came in....

Ale in England #25 Southwold (Adnams) from the pump

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