shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Queen's Baton Relay

Get used to the Commonwealth themed blips, or you may get fed up over the next few weeks! Very nice of the baton to go along a road round the corner from my flat, very convenient indeed. Also loved the drummers on the corner, which were really good.

Significantly less convenient were the arrangements for collecting Commonwealth tickets, as I spent 2 and 3/4 hours (no exaggeration, that's literal) waiting in a queue on George Square to spend 30 seconds (no exaggeration, also literal) actually collecting them. Thanks to all the lovely other folk in the queue who actually made it quite a laugh. As this is a back blip I can say I'm told that they have since made one of the 3 windows (main ticket office, 3 windows???) a ticket collection window, and the ticket purchase queue was reduced to about 1 hour. I had bought the tickets a week in advance, and that wasn't enough time to post them to me... Hmm, we may moan about the Royal Mail, but I think they could have managed! Still can't wait for it all to properly start!

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