Loch Long Crab

Today I completed my first deep dive which took me down to 100 feet (30m) under water and I was delighted to complete this dive in particular. It was the second day of my two day PADI Advanced Open Water course and it started with the deep dive. Up till now I have been limited to a maximum depth of 60 feet (18m), so going down to 100 feet was a lot deeper!

Over the two days I completed five adventure dives, yesterday I did three dives covering Underwater Navigation, Underwater Naturalist and Underwater Photographer. Today I did two dives which were Deep Diver and Dry Suit diver.

Doing the Dry Suit dive meant that not only did I complete my Advanced Open Water course but I also completed the Dry Suit speciality course as well.

I wasn't sure about doing the Underwater Photographer course, but my dive buddy was very keen so I was happy to do it and in the end I'm very glad I did as it now means I have another place to gather blips from.

Today's blip is a photograph of a crab that I took in Loch Long at about 8 metres deep and I don't think it looks very impressed with my disturbing it! As a first attempt at underwater photography I am delighted with the results.

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