
The lads hanging out on a sunny Sunday evening after an exhausting weekend of cricket. TV. Controllers. Laptops. Phones. Beer. Couldn't resist taking this as I was sitting in a stew feeling very sorry for myself..

Roam's frustration was with the Eurosport presenter for the TdF cycling round up with Greg LeMond. He really was pretty bad but Roam was going apoplectic. He doesn't suffer incompetence too gladly.

My own frustration is down to a broken toe. Roam is mirroring just how I feel. I slipped on the last step of the stairs and rammed it into the wall. Talk about coming down to Earth with a bump. After all the joy of yesterday, finally feeling my energy levels restored, I'm devastated to be so promptly incapacitated. I know that in the grand scheme of things it's a trifle compared to what a lot of people are suffering but that somehow doesn't help much at the moment. I'm truly fed up. More than I have been in a long, long while. Life is hard enough as it is right now without this to deal with as well.

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