Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Davos Lake

After two days of continuous rain we awoke to sunshine today. I took Murdoch for a short run and then after breakfast I realised I had to go back to Davos to buy more dog food from the pet shop. I decided to walk around Davos Lake (or Davorsersee as it is known to the locals) and enjoy the sunshine while it was around as by this afternoon we are expecting storms and two days of bad weather again.

Davos Lake is a natural lake that is used as a reservoir - it is very scenic as it is surrounded by mountains, and if you are interested I have more photos of the beautiful lake here. The total walk around the lake is about 4km and I also stopped off at one of the cafes on the shoreline for a café crème (delicious coffee with very little milk).

Adam and I so enjoyed watching the movie About Time last night - Bill Nighy is one of my favourite actors and I was delighted to bump into him at Heathrow earlier this year - but of course I never said anything to him, too starstruck! Very annoyingly it seems that BBC have changed the area of their coverage so from 7pm at night we now get a very poor signal of all BBC channels. As we have not been able to watch any of he Commonwealth Games, this movie was a very good alternative.

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