Dolphins in the sunshine

I noticed that there were a few dolphins around and just a handful of people around at Chanonry point this morning when I looked through the telescope so Mike dropped me off while he went to have his haircut.

There were plenty of dolphins around hunting close to shore and one caught and played with an enormous salmon, tossing it high in the air and then chasing after it. Several breaches further out with at least six coming out of the water several times. There was lots of tail slapping, when they slap their tails on the surface of the water making a splash. They can use this as a sign of dominance and strength but here I think it was used to startle the fish making them easier to catch.

Managed to capture this one mid air. They can be identified by their dorsal fins that pick up nicks and scratches. Our Moray Firth Dolphins have names including Rainbow, Kesslet, Charlie, Moonlight and Zephyr (who caught the salmon) . Several can be adopted through the WDCS. Brownies adopted Rainbow when we were working on our Friends to Animals 'badge.

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