Oh my giddy aunt

That's what my nieces and nephews would say ( if I had any) if they saw me today
Bee very kindly invited me to join her on the BBC tour, it was brilliant, so informative
Here's me thinking that it would be a really easy occupation being a radio DJ.....
Well it's harder than I thought, such precise timing, my hat goes off to them.

I loved the BBC Philharmonic acoustics room, so fascinating learning all about the musicians, some of them have been there 40 plus years also they are apparently so close knit......that some of them have coupled up and got married.

Please forgive my insane look on this blip......I was so giddy

Had a lovely lunch at Prezzo it was soooo hot sitting outside, wow!!!!.
Cooked off and walked by the water watching the boys " tombstoning'.....naughty boys

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