Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Under the same moon

I love the connectedness of the Moon. I can look at it tonight before bedtime and think of my family across the Big Pond, think how tonight they would have marvelled too at the same Moon. Whenever I feel homesick, it's a great source of solace. Imagine the feeling if you're speaking to your loved ones so far away and you can ask them to take the phone to the window or outside and both look up at the same time and see the Moon. Life's problems seem so much smaller, distances overcome. Tonight too, it makes me think of my son Reuben, under the same Moon in hospital.

I've never photographed the Moon before, but hey, it's a start on the start of a new day. But what I did learn from experimentation is that the WB is best set to daylight (given the sun lights the Moon) and therefore I tried 1/60 but that was over exposed so I gradually got to 1/1000 for this shot, bracketed and did an average ISO, my tripod was too rickety, the angle too tricky, my butt too cold on the patio even in LA, so I did a hand held. Given I only live 2 miles from the runway, I was surprised by the lack of ambient light. Short 135mm zoom.

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