Beautiful complexity

Sylwais i'r blodau gwyllt yn y parc ar fy ffordd adre. Dw i erioed wedi gweld Glas yr Ŷd fel hwn o blaen. Ro'n i'n meddwl bod y glas a gwyn yn hardd ac mae'r cymhlethdod yng nghanol y blodyn yn anhygoel. Dw i wedi edrych ar flodau yn fwy agos ers i mi wedi dechrau tynnu lluniau ohonyn nhw. [mawr]

I noticed that the wild flowers in the park on my way home. I've never seen a cornflower like this before. I thought that the blue and white was beautiful and the complexity in the center of the flower was amazing. I've looked at the flowers more closely since I started taking pictures of them. [large]

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