
By analogconvert13

Any Regrets? No, Naan...

My friend J and I have had a regular lunch date for years at what we (and many others) believe is the best Indian restaurant in Boston. The place is called "Punjab". At a certain point we stopped inspecting the menu, merely exchanging a look, a nod of agreement and ordering the same thing: chicken tikka masala and a couple of plain naans with which to mop the delicious, tomato-based sauce. The chicken is baked in the restaurant's real tandoor and this imparts a slightly smokey flavor to the dish. Likewise the naan which are made fresh to order. Today, ours had just jumped out of the tandoor, been brushed with ghee and brought straight to the table, too hot to touch. The main dish comes with a little bowl of absolutely delicious lentil soup to get the meal going. We're both astonished at the consistency of the cooking at Punjab: it never changes and it's always excellent!

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