Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

We were high up

Decided to act a little bold and walk up the church tower of Delft's tall church ... packed with my grocery bag and camera I went up the narrow steps where I followed others who went up the stairs too.
But some were on their way downwards and we had to squeeze carefully to pass from each other... time and again this happened...

Three times we could walk around the tower and I made this close up of other tower climbers.... no space up there on the round about and I didn' t check my captures as the hight did get to me ~ like this couple holding their bag over the railing... petrifies me.
I should have checked my capture as there is too little visible now of how deep down streetlevel is from up the first round on the tower = where the brown bricks end and the white sandstone starts.
We walked round the tower at the 3 levels with 'balconies' = where a new color starts (brown / white / black) Steep hight!!

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