a town called E.

By Eej

A Weed fit for a King

Where to start?
I was up until 1.30am working on what I shall describe as The Book. All of a sudden everything made sense and because it seemed stupid to try and remember everything and becoming less and less sleepy because of that - I got back out of bed and started working.

Delirious with joy and sleepiness.

After dinner we went for a walk along the lake - gulls and swans and a mass of ducks in our wake. I did not fall off the sidewalk and we did not bring home any cats - hurray!
When we got home I found the first Monarch in the Milkweed. This has filled me with so much joy I can't even describe it; it's taken YEARS for the Milkweed to find its roots and this year not only have I managed to grow plants from seeds, volunteer seeds are ALSO coming up. I've seen Monarchs before - in the Butterfly Bush. I just never knew that the Buddleia is like a bar for Monarchs; fun to hang out at but not a place you want to raise your kids. (they only lay eggs on milkweed)
I shall have a thriving Monarch population in a few years :)

Some days feel like everything is coming to fruition.

(Yesterdays scare turned out to be just that, all is well)

(I did get bitten in the ass by a mosquito. There will be some awkward scratching in the next few days)

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