Godzilla and The Bio-Fiends

Reijiroh Koroku - Godzilla Appears (The Return of Godzilla, 1984)

The planet's biological plantation experiments were the last resort in battling Godzilla's return to Earth. An unofficial attack, mad scientists tried to usurp world power with their biological weapons in the hope of swaying votes, investments and the inspiration of the people in order to ultimately control them. Wildly out of control and destroying the Earth, the humans need a savior and once again, Godzilla returns to claim his place as King of The Monsters and the People's Hero.

Clearly getting back into a childhood relapse, my creativity these days has been marred with "normalcy" so I suppose using Godzilla as a platform for imagination, I could find something further to explore with taking photos. At my age I should be focused on other exploits like the future, financial planning, family, etc. but that takes the magic out of living everyday. Perhaps I don't want to see the truth but this is definitely fun nonetheless.

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