No hiding place

Today it was goodbye to the old Mondeo and hello to the new Quashqai, although we had to go to Edinburgh to collect our new (used) car. Getting a new car even if it is a used one is always an exciting day especially as it is so nice to drive a car that is so clean.

The drive there and back was through torrential rain in the west then sunshine in the east followed by torrential rain in the west again, but at least we were in the car unlike the poor road race cyclists at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games who had to endure some terrible conditions during their races.

However the rain finally stopped later in the afternoon and we even got some sunshine, which gave me the chance to stalk the garden looking for insects. Our little plum tree is alive with wasps, but I managed to spot this Syrphid fly hiding on a leaf.

Definitely worth looking at large.

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